
Hi! I’m Jodi – your professional coach, consultant, and personal mentor behind Calibrate.

I help people improve their mental fitness as they navigate life transitions.

My personal journey with life's transitions has led me to approach coaching from the perspective of empowering others to ask their own questions and find their unique way toward transformative choices they can “own.

My life calling is to help others “calibrate” to their most authentic and mentally fit existence, while inspiring, supporting, and keeping their dreams and goals on track. I am committed to assisting individuals in creating abundance in their lives by discovering their true purpose, finding the opportunities in the challenges they face, and guiding them forward to a life lived with intention and authenticity.

I believe the key to happiness, high performance, and success is Mental Fitness. I have been trained in coaching methodologies which focus primarily on helping people to become mentally fit through greater self-awareness and self-command, without judgement.

My Mission, Vision, and the Values behind Calibrate

Calibrate is a life purpose, leadership development, and mental fitness coaching company, focused on making the many life-transitions we experience transformational. We help people move through transitions, such as facing an empty nest, making a mid-life career change, contemplating retirement, or adapting to a new role in life that is unfamiliar, with intentional action, total empowerment and fearlessness.

Experience has shown when we approach change, challenges, and the unknown with a healthy, positive mindset, the results can be life transforming and will provide unexpected gifts and opportunities.

Coaching Methodologies Utilized by Calibrate Professional Coaching


Experience Constructive Change

Core Energy Coaching™ is a certifiable methodology that positively influences and supports constructive change in individual perspectives, emotional reactions, and behavior patterns. The focus is on getting to the root (or “core”) of an individual’s challenges by identifying and shifting inner thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that block a client’s success.

By working with a Core Energy™ coach, clients learn to harness their own power with proven techniques to better control and maximize the expression of their energy in ways that will ultimately benefit them personally and professionally. The result? They become more evolved human beings and more effective leaders with greatly increased chances of achieving satisfaction in life, work, and relationships.

As a certified practitioner of Core Energy™ Coaching, I offer clients a proven method to access their latent energy and intuitive know-how to accomplish anything they desire.

If you’re ready to gain the insight, clarity, and motivation necessary to achieve a life of intention and abundance, let’s get started today!

As a Core Energy™ Coach, I am extensively trained to help you:

Accept and discover.

Accept and adapt to life’s challenges while discovering and maintaining your authenticity. Discover why you are stuck and recognize the things that are blocking your success

Align and go beyond.

Align what’s inside with the outer goals that you accomplish in a step-by-step plan. Move beyond just thinking about doing, to taking decisive steps towards real and lasting change

Be intentional and encourage inner focus

Take intentional action from a place of confidence so you can achieve things beyond what you thought you could do. Realize that you hold all the answers and empower you to focus on solutions

Embrace accountability and be the best you.

I’ll Help you be accountable for what you say you’ll do and be the absolute best you can be, so you can inspire and motivate those around you



Build Powerful Habits for a Positive Mind

POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE® is a foundational program for Mental Fitness. Based on the NYT Best Selling Book “Positive Intelligence” by Author, Shirzad Chamine, the goal of this program is to help every human build mental fitness so they can fulfill their true potential for both happiness and contribution.

By working with a PQ COACH™, clients learn to identify how they self-sabotage their own performance and happiness. They learn to utilize breakthrough, research-based tools to strengthen the part of the brain that serves them, and quiet the part that sabotages them.  Imagine handling life’s challenges with a more positive mindset, and less stress.

We call this mental fitness!

As a PQ COACH™ extensively trained in the practice of POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE® to bring Mental Fitness to my clients, I will help you:

Build powerful habits for a positive mind.

By getting to the root of your issues and identifying the specific ways you Sabotage yourself, you will begin to develop habits which contribute to stronger mental fitness.

Learn about lifelong applications.

Once you identify your personal Saboteurs, you will learn how to intercept them and tap into your own deep wisdom to take more impactful action. By practicing new techniques to build new neural pathways, you will develop stronger self-command and will improve your overall mental fitness.

Develop a deep understanding and live with intention

You will gain a new understanding and awareness of the essence of who you really are. Increased self-awareness is the key to living with true intention and authenticity.

Embrace accountability and be the best you.

Any good coaching requires accountability to be effective. We will utilize accountability groups which will support you and encourage you to follow through.

Calibrate Professional Coaching is not endorsed by and is not an official partner of Positive Intelligence, LLC.

© Copyright Positive Intelligence.  No reproduction, in any form, printed or electronic, is permitted without prior written permission from Positive Intelligence.

“Thank you so much for taking your time to help me kick-off my job search and build out my resume. Your input and insight has been EXTREMELY helpful in making the process seem significantly less daunting.”

—Tommy DeVoe

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