
Change is possible, and it is entirely your choice on how you handle it.

You have the power to do anything you want to do if it is important enough to you. How you show up or approach things daily, or in life in general, has a significant impact on how successful you will be in reaching your goals, communicating with people, moving forward, and achieving your dream life.

My role is not to tell my clients what they should do, but to provide them with the tools to act with consciousness, peace of mind, positive energy, and the power to tap into their unknown potential. To put it simply, I want you to live life fully by choosing mental fitness and intention. With Calibrate, you will gain insight, clarity, and the motivation to achieve your goals and to uncover the ideas that will help you create the reality you desire – and the abundance you deserve.

You are ready to Calibrate if it’s time to…

Be Happy

Happiness is a journey, not a destination. It's a state of being that requires ongoing effort, attention, and conscious choices to prioritize your well-being.

Be Decisive

Stop struggling with commitment, motivation or making decisions and gain control of your mind and actions

Reduce Stress

Improve your overall well-being, prioritize more effectively, and build stronger, healthier habits that serve you.


Foster financial stability, take care of your health and wellness and tap into what inspires you

Move forward

Transition to a new reality and/or identity (empty nest, new relationship status, new career, graduating, moving, etc).


Achieve heightened self-awareness (the real catalyst for change) and gain Interpersonal, listening and motivational skills


Meaningful relationships with your significant other, family, friends, or co-workers.

Stop Self-sabotaging

Get in touch with disruptive emotions which may be holding you back and set some meaningful life goals


Pursue your passion, define your own values, articulate what drives you and take meaningful action


Handle challenging human dynamics and circumstances by leveraging your inner leader

Individual Coaching Packages Available in the Following Areas

  • Want to increase confidence

  • Persistently feeling dissatisfied or unfilled

  • Feeling creatively blocked or in a rut

  • Feeling fearful, paralyzed, or out of control

  • Self-sabotaging with bad habits

  • Frequently and easily irritated

  • Sustained anger, stress, or anxiety

  • Financial stress that is consuming

  • Struggling with commitment or motivation

  • Not taking care of your own health and wellness

COR.e Dynamics Life Transition Coaching

There are so many phases in life which require us to transition. Some of those phases are much more challenging than others. Because life is ever-changing, we may find ourselves constantly trying to adapt. It’s easy to lose sight of who we are and what our purpose is, and we can find ourselves behaving and thinking entirely out of character when faced with adversity. Many of the life transitions we experience can cause us to leverage our bad habits and attitudes and behaviors as a way to cope.

COR.e coaching helps you raise your level of consciousness and self-awareness, so you are poised to understand your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and the motivations behind them.

The goal of COR.e coaching is to help people live at the cause rather than the effect of their lives. It will provide tools that will empower you to create and live your most authentic and conscious life as you go through any life change. You can transition with empowerment, authenticity, and clarity.

People commonly seek out support from a coach when experiencing a new or unfamiliar role, a significant event, a challenging situation, or unhealthy and disruptive habits, behaviors or attitudes. These can include:

  • Change in relationship status

  • Becoming a parent

  • Becoming a caregiver for elderly parents

  • Parenting older children

  • Becoming an empty nester

  • Becoming a Grandparent

  • Significant move or relocation

  • Illness or death of a loved one

  • Starting over

  • Struggling in your relationships

Mental Fitness

If you've ever taken a self-improvement course, or read a self-improvement book, you know that the world is full of great advice and practices for improving your mindset and building better habits. These things bring us great insight into who we are and what we need to do to change. The problem with many courses and books is that once finished it is completely up to you to keep up with it in order to thrive. This is why most attempts at positive change fail. While insight is necessary to enable change, on its own it does little for us.

The real key to thriving is learning to handle life’s challenges from a more positive mindset. By building new habits and ways of thinking through practice and intention, you're on your way to mental fitness. With one-on-one coaching and the official POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE® (PQ®) program, you will thrive, and it will be contagious!

To learn more about my signature eight-week program, Mental Fitness for Intentional Transformation, please click the link below.


Regardless of where you lead, with so many distractions, competing narratives, and faster-than-ever changing environments, even the most confident and competent leaders sometimes struggle with how to influence and inspire the people they lead. Good leaders can compassionately navigate the expectations, habits, and desires of an ever more diverse workforce, challenging interpersonal relationships, and complex social/emotional landscapes. And what about self-leadership? We are all challenged with leading ourselves in the most productive and effective way.

A leadership coach supports improvements in your current style, guides you through existing leadership challenges, and reveals a path forward to a healthy work/life balance. Whether you lead a Fortune 500 or your child’s PTA, leadership coaching gives you the tools necessary to lead with confidence, energy, intuition, and a style that is authentic to you – propelling you forward professionally. 

Identify and master your leadership style, hone your intuition, and understand your strengths and weaknesses, to effectively lead diverse populations with empathy and authority.

At Calibrate, leadership coaching includes the Energy Leadership Index (E.L.I.), a one-of-a-kind assessment that enables leaders to hold up mirrors to their perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and overall leadership capabilities. According to the Forbes Coaching Counsel, the E.L.I. provides a unique lens on self-awareness and emotional intelligence, two key ingredients for any leader. Situational awareness of yourself and others is critical for a leader to respond appropriately to the people in their charge. Understanding where you are at any moment and how you respond to stress can make all the difference.

Ready to get started with Calibrate?


I would HIGHLY recommend Jodi for the individual that needs coaching for their career or the cycle of life direction or the corporation that wants to boost employee development, prioritize professional skill development or build a collaborative culture.”

— Linda Herzog

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